Sharks and jellyfish are no match for sheer determination.
Diana Nyad has had attempt this journey several times in the past.
Her first attempted for this swim was in 1978 in a shark cage.
In 2011 she attempted the swim twice with no shark cage, but had to stop because of shoulder pain the first time, and jellyfish stings on the second.
Her last unsuccessful attempt ended in August 2012.
This time, Nyad does not swim in a protective cage, so she has no real defense against aggressive sharks or, the more likely threat, jellyfish - which have stopped her in the past by inflicting so many stings that she simply couldn't continue.

Surely Nyad had to realize that she would face the same danger this time, but she didn't let that stop her. A special silicone mask is designed to ward off jellyfish stings.
On this successful time, with just two miles to go, according to her blog, Nyad stopped briefly in the water to thank her crew (a team of about 35 in boats) and she said:
"I am about to swim my last two miles in the ocean. This is a lifelong dream of mine and I'm very very glad to be with you. Some on the team are the most intimate friends of my life and some of you I've just met. But I'll tell you something, you're a special group. You pulled through; you are pros and have a great heart. So let's get going so we can have a whopping party. Thank you, all of you, thank you for your generosity."
Congratulations, Diana! and Thank you for sharing the 'inspiration'
What a great example she sets for anyone who wants to achieve something difficult in life. Surely the politics with Cuba hardly seems to matter her. Danger doesn't stop her. Age doesn't stop her.
May you get inspired by her beautiful example of persistence, commitment, perseverance and strength to achieve whatever is calling in your heart, since we all have the amazing Divine potential within.
In Love & Inspiration
Lydie Ometto
~ light ~