For the Warrior II pose, we start in Tadasana (mountain pose). Feet parallel, legs strong, spine align, arms engaged besides the body, navel gently lifted, chest/heart open and top of the head (crown) to the skies.
Bring the feet apart and the arms in a T formation, still spine align, heart open and full body awareness.
Turn the front foot facing the top of your mat and fold the front knee to a ninety degrees angle (remember it is ‘your’ warrior, if you desire to fold a bit less than 90, to be more gentle with your pose, or drop the kips closer to the earth to be more challenging with your pose, just listen to your body and go for it).

Benefits: This posture strengthens your legs, back, shoulders, and arms, building stamina. It opens your hips and chest – bringing that amazing ‘heart open’ sensation, improves balance and stimulates 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th chakras.
It is called the Warrior in reference to the fierce and filled with life warrior, an incarnation of Shiva

By: Lydie Ometto
Lydie is the best of the best yoga teacher, massage therapist and very old, gentle, knowing soul! she gives the love of the universe with every session freely!